Wednesday, July 25, 2007

5-Year old Attacks Mosley

During a school excursion to the Federation Internationale de la'Automobile, a five year old French girl stumped Max Mosley when the class was asked whether they had any questions for the FIA President.

Sucker-punching Max, the class teacher announced 5-year old 'Trudy' had a question about the "funny smell" in the bulding, only to unleash the following wringer:

"Mr Mosley..If McLaren can be held responsible for all persons concerned with their entry into the 2007 World Championship, why isn’t Ferrari also held accountable under the same provisions? If Stepney’s own conduct violates section 151c of the F1 Sporting Regulations (”..fraudulent conduct prejudicial to the interests of competition”), then surely Ferrari have a similar case to answer for – regardless whether their own employee was working to their own detriment or to the benefit of a competitor?".

"I wasn't expecting that", admitted an ashen-faced Mosley. "I was handing out free batches of Petit Miam when she accosted me!"

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